Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Spooky Spiders

So what first inspired this craft was me wanting to decorate for Halloween and spending 2 hours outside on Sunday afternoon brain storming ideas. After lots of debating I went with lights srung on the inside of our covered front door area. I will post more pictures when i get all the rest of the yard decorated. I did not want to go with a really scary theme but more of a fun place to trick or treat. I then decided spider web under the lights would be so cool! AND THEN! wanted to make my own fun spiders. 

I didnt take pictures of all the supplies but i used:
-Smallish/Medium size Styrofoam balls from Joann's Fabrics 
-Can of Black Spray paint
-Craft Pipe Cleaners
-Craft fuzzy poof things
-Googly Eyes

I had my hubby paint the balls but litterly the pain ate the Styrofoam!! I was kinda worried about it but after i started making the spiders it didnt really matter. My Daughter and I then just pushed the pipe cleaners in sets of 4 on each side of the ball. I did a combo of different colored legs to be fun, I was going to do all black ones but i had some other really fun colored pipe cleaners and loved making up cute combos. I then picked out some "fuzzy poof things" and then some googly eyes and hot glued those all together on to the Styrofoam ball. Kinda self explanatory but just wanted to make it a complete tutorial. 

I took a picture of them all and called them a "Spider Family", My daughter LOVED that!! :-)
She picked the TINIEST eyes for this one!! haha She was very proud of it!

I then put 1 pipe cleaner into the back of the spider and hung it somewhat upside down on the side of the house to give the hang effect. ( The Yarn Wreath in the background is another craft i did today, will post a whole post on that! )  

 We had a BLAST making these and im so excited to finish up my halloween decorations! I will be posting pictures of that soon!! Hope you all enjoy!! I would love to see and hear what you are doing for this spooky halloween! 

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